In strategic management, there are a number of universal career building tools that can be effectively used.
Mission as the main goal and purpose
Every person starting to build a career should clearly understand that the world is rational and gives benefits (resources) in exchange for efforts, that success can only be achieved by satisfying the needs of other people. Therefore, the first thing to do is to define your mission by answering three questions: what do I want? What can I do? And can it be sold?
The mission statement should contain an indication of the need that the career builder will seek to satisfy and the scope of his activities.
Seeing yourself in the future
True career success has two main components: external recognition and internal satisfaction. Vision, as a visual image of the future, concretizes the mission. It is characterized by such parameters as the level of income, the degree of public recognition and self-realization, a step on the career ladder and other attributes of success (company, position, status, office, appearance, etc.). For visualization, you can use drawings and collages.
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SWOT analysis
Analysis of one’s own potential and the external environment allows one to understand one’s competitive position. To do this, you need to answer four questions:
- What are my strengths (in relation to the chosen field of activity)?
- What are my weak points?
- Who and what can help in a career?
- Who and what can interfere?
The analysis will help you weigh your chances and risks on the path of building a career, and perhaps even return you to the stage of mission and vision formation to revise them.
Career Action Plan
The action plan includes targets, indicators, specific activities with timelines, costs and implementation details. They may relate to training, researching the labor market, studying the requirements of target persons, analyzing competitors, networking, promoting on social networks, writing books, articles, gaining skills, and more.
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In view of the limited forces and resources, it may be necessary to set priorities. Resources should be invested where there will be the greatest result. It’s about using Pareto rules and ABC analysis.
Measurement of personal effectiveness and efficiency
Personal performance is the degree to which personal goals are achieved (the ratio of results to goals). Since there are several goals, it is advisable to calculate the integrated performance indicator as a weighted average of the partial performance indicators for each goal. The weighting coefficients of the goals should be set, taking into account their priority.
Personal effectiveness is the ratio of personal results (effects) to costs. The rule of rational behavior states that the results obtained must exceed the resources expended.
Problem Analysis
On the way to building a career, it is necessary to analyze the problems, as well as to check the compliance of the actions taken with the set goals and the chosen strategy. For this, various methods of analysis can be used.
A problem is always a gap between the desired and the actual. Analysis of problems and their causes allows for adjustment of actions, behavior, strategies, as well as elimination of the causes of inconsistencies.
The possibility of using strategic tools in career management once again convinces of the universality of managerial methods and technologies and their applicability in various areas of life.